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  • What signature algorithm does Mantle Network use?

    Mantle Network uses the same signature algorithm as Ethereum. (ECDSA on the secp256k1 curve)

  • What is the block gas limit on Mantle Network?

    The block gas limit is currently set to 250,000,000,000, or 250B units.

  • What's the average block time on Mantle Network?

    In Mantle Network, the OP Stack framework design of 2s per L2 block production is adopted.


    If the L1 node fails to synchronize a new block for more than 600s, L2 will pause block production, and once the L1 node recovers, the L2 node will return to normal, and the timestamp of the L2 block is guaranteed to be strictly incremented by 2s.

  • How does transaction finality work on Mantle Network?

    • Transaction/block finality on L2 will depend on the finalized time of the transactions packed onto L1 (2 epochs, which is about 15mins)
    • Transaction/block finality on L1 connects to the challenge period, which is currently set at 7 days
  • Are fraud proofs online on Mantle Network?

    Not yet, fraud proofs are in development in Mantle v2 Tectonic. For more details on Mantle Network's implementation, check out the page on Fraud Proofs.

  • How does modular data availability bring down transaction costs?

    The majority of L2 gas costs (>70%) are incurred as the cost to publish data on L1 Ethereum. With Mantle DA powered by EigenDA technology, only state root data (along with very limited transaction data) is posted to L1 contracts, while the rollup data is posted to Mantle DA, which helps bring down the overall cost significantly.

  • Where can I find the brand resources for Mantle Network?

    You can access brand resources by following this link.


  • Do Rollup Verifier nodes verify every piece of block data processed by the Sequencer?

    Yes. All updated state roots are verified by Rollup Verifiers before they are submitted to L1 as a part of the rollup process.

  • Do Rollup Verifiers sync rollup data from the Sequencer?

    No. Rollup Verifiers sync rollup data from Mantle DA, which they use to generate state roots and verify the updated state roots generated by the Sequencer before they are published to L1.

  • What happens if a Rollup Verifier detects mismatch between L2 block data with L1?

    Before fraud proofs are online on Mantle Network, if Rollup Verifiers detect a discrepancy when verifying the updated state roots, the rollup mechanism on L2 is temporarily halted. You can learn more about failure handling here.