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Does Mantle Network support EIP-1559?

Mantle Network supports EIP-1559. EIP-1559 is a new transaction method that will be introduced after the Bedrock upgrade of the OP Stack, and will allow transactions on Mantle Network to be executed in a more stable and controlled manner. See here for more information.

Why is the gas fee very high for my transaction?

Mantle v2 Tectonic introduces EIP-1559 type transactions and also to further reduce gas fees, the FIFO transaction ordering method is chosen to minimize the impact of the priorityfee, so you will need additional settings to optimize your handling fees, for more information check here.

Why did I get an error when I tried to send a transaction on Mantle Network?

There are various possibilities for transaction failures. Here, we kindly ask you to ensure that your transaction construction has not been affected by any modifications to fees in Mantle v2 Tectonic. For more details, please refer to this page.

Dev Tools

Can I use Truffle, Hardhat, and Remix to deploy contracts on Mantle Network?

Yes. All the EVM-compatible Web3 libraries, IDEs, development frameworks can be used to deploy on and connect to Mantle Network. This includes, but isn't limited to, popular tools such as:

You can check more tutorials here.

Can I fetch DA transaction details with an API?

Currently, the only way to see DA transaction history is via the Explorer frontend. Here's the link for Sepolia testnet:

Does the RPC rate limit affect Explorer API usage too?

Yes. Once the RPC rate limit is reached, access to Explorer API will also be limited.

Are there any limits set for batch transaction size?

The maximum batch transaction size is derived from the target gas configuration. Mantle Network is the same as other OP Stack-based chains in this regard.

Are there any limits set on return log size for eth_getLogs RPC call?

Yes, we are similar to Ethereum. It's best practice to limit the range of blocks you are querying in a single request to prevent issues such as timeout errors or overly large responses. e.g. Ethereum — 5,000 blocks.