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Fetching Test Tokens


To begin transacting on Mantle v2 Tectonic Testnet, you must acquire Sepolia $ETH and testnet $MNT and bridge it across. You can obtain Sepolia $ETH from the following faucets:

Please get Sepolia $ETH at first, the following steps need it to be the gas for the transactions. You can receive testnet $MNT tokens from the Mantle faucet.


Make sure to import the $MNT token to your Sepolia wallet to see the current balance. The contract address is 0x65e37B558F64E2Be5768DB46DF22F93d85741A9E. How to import tokens can be found here.

Mint $MNT on Sepolia via Etherscan


This guide is not available on the Mantle v2 Tectonic Testnet right now. If you want to fetch test tokens, please check our faucet.


Make sure your wallet has enough Sepolia ETH to perform the mint action before moving forward.

  1. First, you'll need to look up the test $MNT contract on Etherscan and navigate to the 'Write as Proxy' section under the 'contract' tab. You can follow this link to get there directly.

  2. Next, switch your wallet network to Sepolia, and import (if you haven't already) the $MNT token.

  3. Now connect your wallet to Etherscan using the 'Connect to Web3' button.

  4. Find and click on the mint() function in the list on the Etherscan page. It's on no.9.

  1. Enter the address of your wallet in the address field. Click on the '+' button next to the function name to input a value. The mint amount needs to be entered in wei units, so 1 $MNT token is represented as 10^18. Select 10^18 from the drop-down list, and click on the 'Add' button. That'll automatically enter 10^18 (1 followed by 18 zeroes) in the amount field.

  1. Now you can add a few zeroes at the back for a higher amount. For example, add three zeroes at the back to mint 1000 $MNT, and so on.

  1. Finally, click on the 'Write' button to send a transaction. Confirm the action in your wallet, and after a few seconds your $MNT will show up there.