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Create a Smart Account by using Etherspot


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  1. Basic Knowledge: Familiarity with Ethereum and smart contracts.
  2. Development Environment: Node.js and npm installed
  3. Framework: React Native

Code Tutorial

In this tutorial, we’ll get set up with the very basics of using the Prime SDK.

We’ll set up a React app, install the Etherspot Prime SDK, and create an Etherspot smart contract wallet.

Start by creating a react app like this:

npx create-react-app etherspot-starter

Then enter the directory and install the Etherspot Prime SDK and Ethers.

cd etherspot-starter/
npm i @etherspot/prime-sdk --save
npm i ethers --save

Now open the code in your editor, and open up App.js.

Paste in the following code:

'use client';

import React from 'react';
import {PrimeSdk} from '@etherspot/prime-sdk';
import {ethers} from 'ethers';
import './App.css';

const App = () => {
const [etherspotWalletAddress, setEtherspotWalletAddress] = React.useState(
const [eoaWalletAddress, setEoaWalletAddress] = React.useState(
const [eoaPrivateKey, setEoaPrivateKey] = React.useState('');

const generateRandomEOA = async () => {
// Create random EOA wallet
const randomWallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();

const generateEtherspotWallet = async () => {
// Initialise Etherspot SDK
const primeSdk = new PrimeSdk(
{privateKey: eoaPrivateKey},
{chainId: 5000, projectKey: ''},
const address = await primeSdk.getCounterFactualAddress();
console.log('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', `EtherspotWallet address: ${address}`);

return (
<div className="App-header">
<h1 className="App-title">Getting started with Etherspot Prime</h1>

{' '}
To initialise the SDK, it requires a Key Based Wallet(KBW) to be passed in.

<button className="App-button" onClick={() => generateRandomEOA()}>
First click here to generate a random KBW.
href={'' + eoaWalletAddress}>
KBW Address: {eoaWalletAddress}

Now we can intialise the SDK with this address as the owner, and create
an Etherspot smart contract wallet.

<button onClick={() => generateEtherspotWallet()}>
Generate Etherspot Smart Contract Wallet
href={'' + etherspotWalletAddress}>
Etherspot Smart Account Address: {etherspotWalletAddress}

<a target="_blank" href="">
Now you have a wallet created on Mantle you can explore what else we
can do with the Prime SDK.

export default App;

And that’s it! We’ve now created a random key-based wallet on Mantle on page load, and then using this KBW we pass it into the Etherspot Prime SDK, creating an Etherspot Smart Contract Wallet.