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Use Foundry to Deploy Smart Contracts

Foundry is a fast, portable, and modular toolkit for EVM application development written in Rust. The two main components that you'll generally be using for smart contract development are:

  • Forge: used to compile, test, and deploy contracts
  • Cast: used to make RPC calls to interact with a network



If you want to get some testnet tokens, please refer to the Faucet page

Install Foundry

Foundryup is the Foundry toolchain installer. Open your terminal and run the following command:

curl -L | bash

For more installation instructions, check here.

Create a project

  1. Create a new Foundry project and install the necessary dependencies.

    forge init hello_mantle
  2. Please put your contract in the src folder. For this tutorial, we will use the existing example contract Counter.sol. Then use the following command to compile a smart contract.

    forge build

    Sample Outputs

    [⠒] Compiling...
    [⠒] Compiling 24 files with 0.8.15
    [⠢] Solc 0.8.15 finished in 2.52sCompiler run successful!
    [⠆] Solc 0.8.15 finished in 2.52s

Deploy your contract

Upon successful compilation, use the following command to deploy a smart contract (replace <your-private-key> on the command line with your wallet private key).

forge create --rpc-url <mantle_rpc_url> --private-key <your-private-key> src/Counter.sol:Counter --legacy

Sample Outputs

[⠢] Compiling...No files changed, compilation skipped
[⠆] Compiling...
Deployer: 0xE1F10AfE71FF3397A85aAce99D42Db6661E02bB9
Deployed to: 0x38fa66D97b98607636F88C98aE59e08C04D2FEB6
Transaction hash: 0x308fb9f1824ca85e34ed9d1df94aa3f1d9dbcc02b3d01a130ac4b7cf1e1a77fb

Here 0x38fa66D97b98607636F88C98aE59e08C04D2FEB6 is the address of the deployed contract, which you can view via the Mantle blockchain explorer.